Tender Result Description : Appointment of architectural and project management consultancy for slum rehabilitation scheme under reg. 33 10 of mcgm dcpr 2034 at ramabai ambedkar nagar ghatkopar east on plot bearing cts no. 194 part and 195 part in mumbai
Related Tender brief : Appointment of Architectural and Project Management Consultancy for Slum Rehabilitation Scheme Under Reg. 33 10 of Mcgm Dcpr 2034 at Ramabai Ambedkar Nagar Ghatkopar East on Plot Bearing Cts No. 194 Part and 195 Part in Mumbai
Number of Bids Received : 3
List Of Bidders
Key Values
Contract Value

3.06 Bn

Key Dates
Published Date

02 July 2024

Contract Date

14 August 2024


Mumbai | Maharashtra | India

Analysis of the Tender Results for Architectural Consultancy |Project Management Services
Organization Wise Results
Organization Name No. of Tender Results Total value of Tenders
× The information we collect for you is through different public sites (publicly available data). Presented analytics is a tentative exploration of the relationship between data and learning analytics flowing from and expanding collaborative research over the last decade. The information contained in this presentation is intended as general commentary and should not be regarded as legal advice. Available analytics purely based on assumption.